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Era globalisasi mengakibatkan persaingan dalam dunia bisnis dan kerja semakin ketat. Kompetensi pekerja menjadi salah satu modal dasar yang dibutuhkan untuk memenangkan persaingan dan meningkatkan produktifitas perusahaan. Untuk membuktikan kompetensi seseorang pekerja layak untuk diandalkan adalah dengan adanya bukti pengakuan atau sertifikasi dari lembaga yang berwenang dan kredibel. Kompetensi dalam bidang project management dapat disertifikasi melalui lembaga sertifikasi profesi berkelas dunia yaitu American Academy yang merupakan salah satu lembaga sertifikasi profesi di Amerika Serikat.

The American Academy of Project Management dan The American Academy of Finance Management yang berpusat di Colorado Springs, Colorado -Amerika Serikat, dan informasi mengenai lembaga profesi dan sertifikasi ini dapat di lihat di: dan; dan untuk chapter Indonesia dapat dilihat dan sebagai salah satu partnership dari The American Academy of Project Management dan The American Academy of Finance Management . Sertifikat profesi internasional SDM yang diberikan diakreditasi dan diakui oleh lembaga-lembaga akreditasi Internasional seperti: IBS, ANSI, NOCA, ISBE, ICE, dll.

Kenapa Memilih Sertifikasi AAPM dan AAFM?

Ada beberapa alasan yang dapat anda pertimbangkan untuk mengambil sertifikasi AAPM atau AAFM dibanding jenis sertifikasi lainnya, diantaranya:

  1. American Academy merupakan lembaga sertifikasi profesi resmi yang diakui oleh pemerintah Amerika Serikat.
  2. American Academy juga sudah diakui secara luas hampir di seluruh negara di dunia termasuk Indonesia.
  3. American Academy juga diakui oleh berbagai institusi standar internasional seperti ANSI, NFPA, NOAA, dll.
  4. American Academy memiliki modul-modul training berbasis kompetensi sesuai dengan perkembangan dunia industri secara global.
  5. American Academy memiliki instructur-instructur yang bersertifikasi skala internasional.
  6. Sertifikat American Academy diakui secara luas oleh hampir seluruh jenis industri di Dunia.
  7. Dengan memegang sertifikat American Academy, maka kompetensi anda diakui secara global sesuai dengan standar internasional.
  8. Dengan memegang sertifikat American Academy, anda akan memiliki nilai tambah atau value dalam meningkatkan karir anda dalam perusahaan.
  9. Dengan memegang sertifikat American Academy, anda berhak menggunakan title dari American Academy seperti MPM, CIPM, MQM, dll dibelakang nama anda. Contoh. Ir. Budi Santoso, MPM, MQM.
  10. Dengan memegang sertifikat American Academy, anda menjadi member American Academy dan nama anda terdaftar didalam website American Academy.
  11. Sertifikat American Academy yang anda peroleh dikirim langsung dari Amerika Serikat ke alamat rumah atau kantor anda sebagai jaminan keaslian sertifikasi anda.

Tentang Sertifikasi AAPM

Jika anda memiliki pengalaman minimal 3 tahun dalam bidang manajemen proyek dan memiliki latar belakang pendidikan minimal S1 maka anda dapat mengajukan diri untuk mengikuti sertifikasi MPM® Master Project Manager ® Board Certification. Tetapi anda juga harus mengirimkan Curriculum Vitae (CV) lengkap dalam bahasa Ingris (English) yang menjelaskan riwayat atau pengalaman kerja anda. CV tersebut akan kami kirimkan ke AAPM Commision Board untuk direview sebelum anda mengikuti ujian. AAPM Commision Board akan menentukan apakah anda memenuhi syarat untuk mengikuti ujian sertifikasi MPM ® Master Project Manager International Charter and Certification ®,atau CIPM ® Certified International Project Manager Charter and Certification ® , atau PME ™ Project Manager E-Business ™. Sertfikasi khusus sesuai bidang keahlian lain yang bisa diambil adalah CPE Certified Planning Engineer, the MQM Master Quality Manager, the CPRM Certified Project Risk Manager, CHRA Human Resources Analyst, CPC ™ Certified Project Consultant ™.

Berikut daftar sertifikasi AAPM yang bisa anda ikuti:

Klik Disini Untuk Pendaftaran Sertifikasi AAPM dan Kirimkan CV Lengkap anda ke

Longer Descriptions Below of Each Certification and Charter Designation (Penjelasan lebih lengkap untuk masing-masing sertifikasi):

  • AAPM ® CIPM ® – Certified International Project Manager Charter and Certification – The Original International Charter Designation

The certification is designed for project managers and project leaders. This is the International Project Managers Credential and requires multi-national knowledge, training and skill sets.. Flagship Designation for AAPM Board Global See Board Approved Curriculum for CIPM – The CIPM Certified International Project Manager Charter Certification is a registerd mark of the AAPM, is a federally copyrighted “term of art” and curriculum and is included in the Federal Trademark Registry.

  • AAPM ® MPM ® Master Project Manager® – The Original International Masters Certification. Also known as the: MPM Master Project Manager International Charter and Certification.

The MPM ™ is the world’s premier graduate masters certification for project managers. This credential is for college educated professionals who manage teams, departments, and employees. This designation is a project management certification designed for senior project managers and project directors. This is the Graduate Gold Standard of Project Management. See Board Approved Graduate Curriculum for MPM The MPM Master Project Manager International Charter Certification is a registerd mark of the AAPM, is a federally copyrighted “term of art” and curriculum and is included in the Federal Trademark Registry.

  • AAPM ® PME © – Project Management E-Business – International Charter Certification

PME Project Management e-Business invloves many specialized skills including: management, leadership, international law, marketing/SEO, ecommerce and IT concepts.

  • AAPM ® MCP © or MMC © – Management Consultant Professional or Master Management Consultant – The AApM Business Analyst Credential

Certification and advancement. As consultants gain experience, they often become solely responsible for specific projects, taking on more responsibility and managing their own hours. A high percentage of management consultants are self-employed, partly because business startup and overhead costs are low. Since many small consulting firms fail each year because of lack of managerial expertise and clients, persons interested in opening their own firm must have good organizational and marketing skills. Several years of consulting experience are also helpful. The AAPM IPMC offers the Master Management Consultant (MCP/MMC) designation to those who meet minimum levels of education and experience, submit client reviews, and pass an executive course and exam covering the IPMC and AAPM USA’s Code of Ethics. Management consultants with a MMC designation must be recertified every 2 years. Certification is not mandatory for management consultants, but it may give a jobseeker a competitive advantage.

  • AAPM ® MQC © – Master of Quality Control – International Charter Certification

Board Certified in Quality Control Designation – Masters Certificate. This designation is modeled after the quality management systems suggested by the Federal and National Governments and top corporations and business schools worldwide.

  • AAPM ® CPE © – Certified Planning Engineer – International Charter Certification

Strategic Planning and Project Planning Graduate Certification. The intention of this designation is to recognize the analysts and professionals who meet a demanding requirements of planning and scheduling assets of experience, education, skill, knowledge and ethical qualifications. The CPE ™ requirement is to established to recognize today’s advanced planning & engineering professionals in the industry and to fairly measure their education, skill, experience and management practices.

  • AAPM ® PMd © – Project Management Designation – International Charter

Entry Level Credential for obtaining the knowledge of the fundamentals of Project Management. This course is not offered often, and corporations and universities must request this specific course. The PMd program leads to and makes you eligible for the CIPM and also the MPM Graduate Certification. The P.M.d. or PMd is specially written and used by members in this way so that the designation is unique. Complete this online course and become eligible to apply and register for the PMd Designation COURSE ONLINE

  • AAPM ® CEC© – Certified E-Commerce Consultant

The designation will certify you as E-Commerce consultant. Since 1996, the CEC became the first “vendor neutral” and non-technical graduate project management credential for e-Managers in the area of E-Commerce and Internet Technology. The CEC is listed in hundreds of authorative websites referencing the best computer certifications.

  • AAPM ® CPRM © – Project Risk Designation – International Charter Certification

Project Risk Credential for obtaining the knowledge of the fundamentals of Project Management Risk Topics.

  • AAPM ® CMA © – Certified Marketing Analyst Designation or CEA Certified E-Marketing Analyst – International Charter Certification and professional designation.

Marketing Management Certification and Credential for obtaining the knowledge of the fundamentals of Marketing and eMarketing Management Topics. Take this “Internet Marketing’ Online course and then become eligible to register for certification.

  • AAPM ® CPC © – Certified Project Consultant Designation – International Charter Certification – Certified Project Sustainability

Project Consulting Credential for obtaining the knowledge of the Advanced Topics of Project Management.  This program is offered in the UK, EU, and Arabia as a SPM Sustainability Project Management Program.

  • AAPM ® CHRA ™- Certified Human Resources Analyst – International Charter Certification

Human Resources Project Management Board Certification for professionals with a college education on the management and executive track.


In association with the “Graduate Board of Management”, the AAPM is authorized to offer the CLC Certified Leadership Consultant ™ Executive Designation Training. Since the early 90’s the, the Graduate Leadership Institute Commission has supervised this program.

Atau hubungi HSP Academy untuk informasi lebih lengkap.

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